Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Dream Signs.

So the Dream journal has a dual-purpose. The first is to develop your ability to remember your dreams. Naturally, this skill is essential if you want to be able to Lucid dream. However, what we're also looking for when keeping the journal is a common thread throughout our dreams. A Dream Sign. Everyone has them, a person, maybe a sibling or old friend, maybe a place or object that continually crops up in your dreams, or even just a common occurence or theme in your dreams. Before even starting the Dream journal I was pretty confident my Dream sign was my brother, and based on my progress so far, it looks like I was right. I won't commit just yet until I'm certain, because the Dream signs will be important later on once we get to Reality Checks.

If you're having trouble with your journal, here's a tip. When you wake up after a dream, lie still at first and try to remember as much of the dream as you can. Diverting your attention, even just by leaning over to pick up a notepad, will cause the dream to start to slip away. Before you move, make sure you have as much of the dream as you can remember before you start to right.

The dream I had last night, by the way, was a 28 days later style zombie apocalypse happening on my street, and me and 3 strangers were desperately trying to get to my house. I got in first, and I accidentally closed and locked the door thinking everybody else was inside, trapping them out. I apparantly found this hilarious, and started looking for my brother to tell him about it, which is about the time I woke up.

Yeah, I don't know either.

So yeah, as I said, my brother shows up a lot in my dreams, but I won't move onto the next stage until I'm certain he's my Dream sign. So I'll stick with the dream journal for the next few days. If you think you know your Dream sign, comment! I've heard of some really obscure and odd ones before.

Until the next post then guys.


  1. Lucid dreaming is awesome. I'm trying to get back into it. Good luck!

  2. Okej so i have to be completely still and then try to remember. Oke will do.

  3. great! I love lucid dreaming, definitely following

  4. i wanna try to do lucid dreaming it never works outt

  5. I really need to start doing a dream journal. This is interesting stuff!

  6. Great blog, I don't even try anymore. Ever since I first tried this for a week or two I've had many dreams where I just knew I was dreaming, sometimes acting on it, sometimes forgetting to.

  7. I think mine is my grandmother's house. Almost all my dreams take place there or start there, even if I move on later.

  8. great topic, hope there will be more

  9. Thinking about your dreams before you do anything helps. I do it myself.

  10. ive been trying to do this forever

  11. Are you considering posting any of the simple dream guide picture formats?

  12. This is all extremely interesting. I've always been interested in lucid dreaming.

  13. Interesting. Been trying harder and harder to lucid dream myself. Only succeeded a few times, and it felt great.

  14. I don't even want to think what my dream sign is and how that happened...

  15. I'm gonna start trying this stuff.

  16. Interesting read like the rest.

  17. i believe that dreams are mostly random, at least that's what happens to me.

  18. i want to start lucid dreaming for months ...
    but i never have the time -.-

  19. tryin this today
    wish me luck

  20. tryin this later today
    wish me luck

  21. I'm starting doing this tonight, guaranteed. Thanks for the info! Following.

  22. Maybe I'll try it!
    Beautiful blog!

  23. Interesting, though I never remember any dream unless it deals with sex

  24. i am going to try this out

  25. I need to try this!! I have terrible dream recollection.

  26. still trying to get at lucid dreaming its hard :[

  27. I'm pretty sure my dream sign is my dog that passed away when I was a kid

  28. great blog. i tried this few times, with no success. hope to somehow sometime be there

  29. I can never remember my dreams well enough to keep a journal

  30. i hope you will give us more information like tips and so on :)

  31. Cool, need to start my Journal.

  32. i've been waiting for this blog a long time
    it's exactly what i need
    i recently had my first sleep paralysis it was very frighting but very interesting

  33. i haven't been sleeping good these past few days =\

  34. Dude we need an update¡¡ how is the project going, having awesome dreams yet?

  35. MLK had a dream, you see how that ended....

  36. I don't have a dream sign yet. How is the progress coming along?

  37. Really need to try this out!

  38. I actually started my dream diary today, I read somewhere that it's important to do one... sometimes I wonder how can I dream such weird things...

  39. Your bro is guy who does inception?

  40. I have crazy dreams! Very interesting blog to read!

  41. i kept a dream journal as a school project. even though it was a fail, i think i'd try it again...

  42. Keep up the great posting!

  43. i started a dream journal now but i dont know if it helps because i can remember my dreams very often without using it.

  44. love reading about your dreams!
